Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Daily-ish Inspiration

Going to attempt to start posting some inspiration and making this blog a little more... purposeful. I have so many RSS feeds that I subscribe too, as well as my new addiction to Pinterest, I might as well spread the love around. Here are some interesting inspirations for the day...

Cute idea... especially for a particular typography book maybe???

Makes me want to attempt quilling... "attempt" being the keyword...
Octopi are kinda cool...

Gift wrap!

I want to make this...

I love wrapping gifts, so I'm always looking for cute ideas.

Everyone knows I have a ring addiction.

Cute idea for the mad hatter tea party bridal shower...

Omg, I should do this to Boo-Bear...

Cute idea that I might incorporate into the reception centerpieces.

Fathers Day is coming...

These are made with cupcake wrappers! Neat, huh?

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